Silver and gold futures retreated about 1% on Tuesday as Russian President Putin was seen cooling tensions over Ukraine, saying at a press conference that using military force would be “absolutely the last resort.” But Reuters reports that “Economic uncertainty related to worries over Ukraine, however, should underpin gold prices, analysts said,” quoting one commodities broker arguing that “equities look incredibly vulnerable for a pullback. All you need is an issue like Ukraine that will lead to global concerns about the economy. I expect a lot of investor interest in gold.”
See also:
USA Today/Ria Novotsi: Markets punish Putin over intervention; Putin adviser urges dumping U.S. bonds in reaction to sanctions
In Gold We Trust: India imported 6125 tonnes of silver in 2013
WSJ: China now biggest driver of gold prices, HSBC says
Marc Faber – Gold is one of the few cheap assets
ABC News: $10M gold coin hoard found in yard may have been stolen from mint
Confounded Interest: Citi’s U.S. Economic Surprise Index off to worst start since 2009